The gears of time are slowly churning
I wouldn't want to even say that it was only yesterday that I watched Friends.
It wasn't yesterday and it doesn't even feel that way.
Quite a few things have happened between me watching Friends and now.
But it sure as life on Earth feels like I did it only the day before yesterday and not a minute further.
I am the same me, I got the same old habits and mores, and I can just turn and see Joey freaking out because he was about to turn 30, and in this respect I didn't think much of it, the usual flow of events, even September of 2001 blended into this flow, because it was just a fact of life, and life is ours...
But yesterday I just faced the fact that Jennifer Aniston is 40 next year, and lo and behold, a decade swooshed by, and it is not that nothing much was accomplished, it is just that the time does go on, and even though I thought that the moving on and in and out of times is quite a malleable matter, actually the transparent wall that grows in the wake of you breezing through life is transmogrifying into this concrete-like consistency, like a thick glass against which we press our faces and flatten noses, warming the wall and pretending that it is all still here, just push the hand through the ever jelling past...
Not that I mourn the times gone by, I just guess it is an incentive to drink in the moment as it is flowing through you (and you through it) at this very second, this very day. Nothing new, but what is? After all, a revelation is such only in relation to the one who receives the afflatus, not whether it was known to somebody else, huh?
the ever jelling past- !!!! (sighing)
11:40 PM, May 24, 2008
can't help reading again this part of you - oh, it's so perfectly said...
1:19 PM, June 24, 2008
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