Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My students' podcast

Hooray! It happened. For a long time I have been encouraging my students to steer their young energy into some creative field. As a task for my verbal communication class the students of the Translation and Interpreting School had to prepare podcasts, improving their speaking skills and seeing for themselves what they can do if they really apply themselves, not only speaking about (let's admit it) oftentimes fake topics in class reports, but leaving a more tangible trace, something others will appreciate, something less volatile than just a word breathed out. Here is the first video (!) podcast they made, and I am so happy for them I cannot keep away from sharing it with the world)) It is a trifle edited from the original version to protect some sensitive information like the phone number of the stars (who's interested may contact me and we will think whether to give you the number or not:)


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