Meet the parents
"Владимир Путин празднует в субботу 54-й день рождения. <...>
В Москве, тем временем, в субботу отрывается выставка «Дети рисуют Путина». <...> В программе выставки: знакомство с родителями Кони, любимой собаки Путина, — лабрадорами Хенриетой Бош и Алькором Рос Брэдфордом, дегустация любимых блюд и напитков Путина. Похожие акции проходят и в других городах страны."
"Vladimir Putin is celebrating his 54th birthday. <...> Moscow in the meantime will see the launch of an art exhibition "Children draw Putin". <...> The exhibition will also house such events as acquiantance with the parents of Koni - Putin's pet dog, - Labradors Henrietta Bosch and Alcome Ros Bradford, gustation of Putin's favourite dishes and drinks. Similar events will take place in other cities throughout the country".
It's quite interesting which other animals the curious population will make acquiantance with in other cities.
"How did you feel when you were bearing the President's pet-to-be?" - [amalgamating pride and awe]: "Woof, grrr, wooff".
"And this pigeon once flew over Mr.P's head". - "Nice to make your acquaintance" - "Ooorhh".
..." And today for the show-and-tell - little Nicky with 'I touched Putin's dog's parents'. You can touch little Nicky after the class".
Taking the opportunity I'd like to include the information that in its time shook my understanding of the world - my friends in Russia did not even hear about this yet another child-loving act of Mr.P. You can see the curious PR-act here
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4:07 AM, October 10, 2006
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