Saturday, September 16, 2006

The university

My second week - almost third - at ZhongShan (aka Sun Yatsen) University. The campus is quite nice, with mountains on the one side and the (unfortunately unswimmable) sea on the other. These weeks have been marked my unusually cold weather and constant rains. But as the nature does not have its weather in vain, I also endeavor to find the beauty (which is to tell the truth is in your eye).

First year sudents (fresh-men as well as fresh-gals) ought to undergo military training. It lasts a month and lets the kids skip all academic activities. 7 days a week they march around the campus, singing songs and counting to 4. They start at 5-30 under my windows and begin counting aloud, apparantly it's the department of accounting, and they are revising the most vital professional skills. Probably at the end of the training the loudest mouth will receive a prize becuase they do not spare their vocal cords and the first morning's "1-2-3-4" literally jerked me out of bed; with the open window, the morning still and echo it was not that hard to invision that all this crowd was actually placed in my room.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pic` ha ha:)

1:54 PM, September 17, 2006


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