Monday, May 21, 2007

Here is a good one

Was checking essays today - there was a joke I'd never heard (and which is probably a chestnut here among the natives), but it is oh so fahquing (C) true. Here it is, - with some embellishments I couldn't refuse myself employing:

- If you ask a Chinese student what weather it is now, s/he will blush, look down, move the lips repeating your question, look at you, look away and be silent.
- If you ask a Chinese student what weather it is now, and provide a multiple choice (a) good, (b) bad, and (c) rainy, the answer will pop up in a jiffy. (not necessarily the right one, but hey, who's perfect?)

That's mighty hilarious if you've been in touch with the educational system here and the eternal fight for independent thinking - or, at least, some kind of class activity.

Good they are laughing at it themselves, the girl who used this joke got an extra plus and is up for a star sticker on her forehead later.


Blogger Shunya said...

Потрясающе. Прямо противоположное немцам.

1:25 AM, May 31, 2007


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