Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today's graphorrhea

Gentlemen, have you ever smelled freshly plucked mangoes, the way they come undone from the tree that is bowing down to you under the burden of almost ripe fruit, ripped off tenderly but mercilessly by a fair maiden whom you raised up, holding just under her knees from the back, so that she, smilingly and ravishly could gather, as per her frolicsome request, the yet a tiny bit juvenile, but already heavy and astringently succulent green offspring of the fructiculose tree? A freshly plucked mango does not smell like their kin you meet at supermarkets or on the hawkers' carts... It gives out a lingering and unbearably fresh smell, the odor that stays on the girl's hands as you are lowering her down slowly against yourself at the same time turning her face towards you; this scent whets your olfactory appetite, making you bury your face in her palm, drawing in the fragrant amalgamation of the fruit’s aroma and her skin...

Well, I have to admit to watching the movie Perfume the other day, and the linguistic representation of the osmetic-semantic connections did probably get to me. Or it could be the result of today's amazing change of the weather when in the morning the rain raged against my window panes, and in the late afternoon the cloudless sky slowly gave birth to the chiseled half-moon. The trees breathed out intoxicating flavors which you could literally drink in and metaphorically swim in. Not too bad a conclusion of an otherwise eventless day, gentlemen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sinoed,

Perhaps I should not reveal my identity yet to you. Not that it matters in the slightest - as the comment that I would like to post here does not require me to reveal personal details. :)

At first, I would like to express my genuine surprise (diffused with a tinge of dissapointement ;)) at the fact that you, Mr Writer, seem to refer to your audience solely as 'Gentlemen'. Does that then mean that ladies are unwelcome on your territory? ;) Or is it simply a term which implies both genders, but as we live in a male-dominated world, uses the male plural to express the general mixture, - ''people''?

Besides this rather odd and useless question, I would like to thank you. Or congratulate you.. Or both!
But all for one reason: for having created such a wonderful piece of writing which (you can be sure) brought a smile on my lips as I read it this afternoon.

It's quite curious, you see, that i just happened to be eating a nectarine, just as I was reading about the mangoes that you described.. And what caused a slightly tingling sensation in me was the fact that I seemed to be experiencing exactly, (точь в точь ;))what you had written! The sickly sweet scent, and the ripeness.. and the little tear of juice running down my wrist (as I'm not particularly skilled in consuming ripe fruit without creating a mess =p) It was all there!

Isn't it amazing how much power words have on us? I admire your talent, although I know - it's rather premature to judge solely on this one passage.
But I'm astonished to see that I am the only one to have appreciated the beauty of your writing, and to have commented on it! :)

Please continue writing such beautiful, пронзительные things! And I will gladly come again, and read them, silently and invisibly, making sure my presence does not disturb you. :)

12:40 AM, June 18, 2007

Blogger Shunya said...

and not only the smell, but the taste of unripe mangoes!!! - is absolutely shaking!

6:14 PM, August 12, 2007


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